Our services
We offer a wide range of residential and commercial surveying services, and we can take care of your surveying requirements if you're buying or selling a property. You'll find that our prices are extremely competitive, especially for the responsive and reliable services we provide.
Our services at a glance:
Full Building (Structural) Surveys. A full and comprehensive survey which covers all elements of the property from 'chimney pot to drains'. The finished report will detail type of construction of each element, its condition, and will describe any defect that may be present. A valuation of the property will be included if requested. Rebuilding insurance requirements can also be included if required.
Each report can be tailored to your particular needs, so if there is anything that you are particularly concerned about we would discuss that with you when taking your instructions to proceed with the survey. Colour photographs can be included with the report if requested, a small extra cost is involved if photographs are required
RICS Homebuyer Surveys
RICS Homebuyer Surveys are designed for smaller, younger properties, and the finshed report is less detailed than a Full Building Survey report.
Elements of the property are classified on a numbered rating, for instance: a category 1 rating means that there is no defect, a category 2 rating means that there is a defect but it not considered to be of serious concern and some minor repairs will be required, a category 3 rating means that there is a serious defect and major or significant repair will be required. RICS Homebuyer Surveys have a re-building cost calculation, and a valuation included as routine.
On Site Consultations. (New)
We invite you, our client, to visit the property at the end of the Survey. Our Surveyor will then 'walk you through' the survey room by room. You are then fully informed of the condition of the property and the extent of any defects that may exist. You can then enter negotiations and dialogue with the Vendor/Agent straight away without having to wait for the written report. There is no additional charge for this service.
We are RICS Registered Valuers.
Need a valuation? The valuation can be included in the Building survey if requested.